Monday, March 8, 2010

Dinosaur Stories

Today the kindergarteners discovered colourful footprints leading up to a dinosaur cave.  In the dinosaur cave was a nest with dinosaur eggs.  They each got to hatch open an egg with a dinosaur and come up with a story about that dinosaur.  
Here are the stories from the morning group:

Mom and Dad dinosaur are rocking their baby beside a tree.  They are very happy.

Rex is mad at his friend Reckie.  Rex’s friend won’t play with him.  The end.

Once there was a dinosaur that laid an egg and the dinosaur eggs hatched.  The mama dinosaur was surprised; there were lots of eggs.  The end. 

There is a house and there is a mom and some eggs.  The mom said “go in the house with the eggs”.

The dinosaur hatched out of his egg and he went out in the jungle and saw his pal Rex to play with.

He went to come get the eggs in there but they hatched already. 

The dinosaur was looking at an egg and then he found a T-Rex and they fought.

The dinosaur walks fast.

There were three dinosaurs they go back to a house then finish. 

One baby meat eater got lost in the pterodactyl family and the mommy went to look for the baby meat eater.  She didn’t find him. 

The dinosaurs are looking for people; they go up a mountain in the jungle.  A dinosaur comes out of the river.  Triceratops is going to eat the meat eaters.  They run away. 

A longneck eats leaves and a pterodactyl drinks water. 

The babies are trying to get you and the grandma tries to get the dad.  The baby is sleeping and the grandma is sleeping.  Water is bubbling, 

Mrs. B was at a dinosaur place and she took the eggs and she took them to the school.  She put them in a bag and that’s all!

Here are the stories from the afternoon group:

Dinosaur Stories

(Flickr Photos)


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